Converge Church

Where Christ & Culture Intersect

“Who you are and what you were created to accomplish is not for you to decide, it’s for you to discover. It’s God appointed, not self-assumed.” – Pastor Ray

Unfortunately, many people wander through life, looking for an escape from their circumstances. This creates a sense of hopelessness and undercuts our motivation to experience the abundant life Jesus promised. At Converge, we believe God designed each one of us for a life purpose and fulfillment, one that makes us excited to get out of bed every morning.

It’s Hard to Find Fulfillment Alone.

That’s why we’ve been building a life-giving, multi-cultural, multi-generational community of faith where you can belong before you believe.  In fact, we’ve saved a seat just for you, so you don’t have to be alone this Sunday.

Converge Church is all about:

Worship at Converge Church with hands lifted


We want to reintroduce you to the authentic Jesus of the Bible. He is the Cornerstone of our faith.


Jesus was always interacting with ordinary people, “the least of these,” in their everyday lives and pointing them to their life mission and calling. Like Jesus, we want to go beyond being “good Samaritans;” we want to make the whole Jericho Road safe.


No matter where you are in your life, Jesus is for you not against you, and He has an amazing plan for your life. And we would love to walk together with you as you discover it and live it out.

People from all walks of life have found what they’re looking for at Converge Church

We are confident that you will too!


At Converge Church I have opportunities to serve in different ministries and grow as a leader with transferrable principles that I use even in my secular work.


Converge Church offers a unique, diverse, real-life perspective on understanding the bible and applying it to your daily life. Definitely a place I am proud to call home.

Join us for Converge LIVE! this weekend