What's Happening at Converge

News and Updates from Converge Ministries

Converge Students New Sermon Series

Converge Students New Sermon Series What does it really mean to see God at work in our hearts, lives, and world on an everyday basis? That’s the big question we hope to answer for our students in this series! While we may not be able to physically see God in a concrete way, we can […]


5th Anniversary Merch Available Now

5th Anniversary Merch Available Now Our 5th Anniversary Merch is now available both in-person and online! Click HERE to visit our online store. Our merch sells quickly so get it while it lasts!



MDWK  Do you desire to go deeper in your knowledge, understanding, and application of God’s Word? Could you use a midweek spiritual boost? If you answered “Yes” to either question, then MDWK was designed with you in mind. Join us at 7 p.m. on Wednesday nights as we dive deeper into God’s Word and prayer together. PLEASE


5 Ways to Give

5 Ways To Give If you would like to partner with us financially, you can give safely and securely using one of the methods: 1. In-person during Converge LIVE! worship experience2. By mail at: Converge Church, 1611 Wilmeth Rd., McKinney, TX 750693. Click HERE to give online4. Text “Converge Give” and dollar amount to 779775. Zelle: use accounting@weareconverge.com to give

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