Ghost Stories
Exploring the Person, Power, and Purpose of the Holy Spirit.
Week 1: Outpouring
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon takes us into a new series on the Holy Spirit entitled “Ghost Stories.”
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Week 2: Outpouring
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon preaches the second installment of our series on the Holy Spirit.
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Week 3: A Different Man
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon takes us through Week 3 of the Sermon Series titled “Ghost Stories”
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Week 4: Will the Real ______ Please Stand Up!
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon takes us through Week 4 of the Sermon Series titled “Ghost Stories”
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Week 5: Free to Be Me
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon takes us through Week 5 of the Sermon Series titled “Ghost Stories”
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Week 6: The Voice
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon covers three principles that will help us cultivate and live a “Spirit-led” life.
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Week 7: Under the Influence
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon takes us through Week 7 of the Sermon Series titled “Ghost Stories”
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Week 8: Under the Influence – Part 2
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon takes us through Week 8 of the Sermon Series titled “Ghost Stories”
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Week 9: Power
In today’s message, Pastor Ray Harmon takes us through Week 9 of the Sermon Series titled “Ghost Stories”